Technology is a key subject within the UK wide STEM initiative. Traditionally our country has been built on the manufacturing industry and this is indeed still the case today. However manufacturing is changing and to continue to be a world leader in this industry Technology and Design as a subject is part of this drive.
As a subject it develops a pupil’s ability to take ideas from their head and turn them into products which solve an ever increasing number of problems within our society as it develops. It increases their problem solving skills as it allows them to see how skills can be transferred from one process to another.
Beyond the classroom with the exception Maths and English, Technology & Design as a subject probably is directly linked to the largest number of current careers, as well as potentially preparing pupils for the new careers which as yet do not exist.
As most pupils will have had little or no experience of Technology & Design at primary school year 8 is a introduction to the subject where the core knowledge of the subject is introduced and then developed in years 9 & 10.
The subject teaches the practical skills in design, materials, and working with large number of hand tools and machines.
At GCSE the department offers Technology & Design by CCEA. The specialist option is Mechanical and Pneumatics.
It is a full GCSE over Year 11 & 12.
It is assessed in three sections
Unit 1: Technology and Design Core Content
Unit 2: Mechanical & Pneumatic Engineering
Unit 3: Design and Manufacture of a product
For more information from the Examination board, click here:
As already mentioned Technology & Design is a pathway to a vast number of careers. The careers vary from those who identify needs for new products to those who design and Manufacture products as well as those careers which will maintain and develop products already in existence.
There are a wide number of careers directly related to Technology & Design whether you end formal education at GCSE, or A’Level, or after a University qualification.