Learning for Life & Work

Our Team

Elaine N

Mrs E. Nelson

Head of Department

Daryl S

Mr D. Strong


Our Department

We aim to help students gain knowledge and understanding of personal, social, economic and employment issues; the impact of change on individuals, society and the economy; and the connections between local, national and global issues.

Key Stage 3

LLW at KS3 is addressed through PSE, Citizenship and Home Economics lessons.


Pupils will study a range of issues relevant to their own lives and communities. The course is divided into 3 modules:

    • Local and Global Citizenship – content includes diversity & inclusion, equality, democracy, rights and responsibilities. It includes the role of government and society in the protection of rights and the work of NGO’s.
    • Personal Development – content includes personal health and safety, issues of self-esteem, relationships and how to make informed financial decisions.
    • Employability – content includes self-employment, impact of globalisation, recruitment and selection, and the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees in the workplace. 

Pupils will have the opportunity to discuss their own views and learn to appreciate the views of others.

The subject is examined in three module exams (20% each) and a controlled assessment report (40%). The controlled assessment is an investigative task drawn from one of the three modules.

Extra Curricular Activities

Where appropriate there may be talks from relevant outside agencies.

Career Pathways

LLW will provide pupils with the knowledge and skills for careers in any sector of the economy, including self-employment for those who are more entrepreneurial.


23 Ashgrove Road
BT34 1QN


(028) 3026 2383



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