Home Economics

Our Team

Mrs L. McGrath

Head of Department

Clare D

Mrs C. Dunn


Carol Willey

Mrs C. Willey


Mrs E. Maginess


Our Department

Home economics is a subject that offers pupils a wide variety of opportunities to gain life skills in food preparation and knowledge of how to eat to stay healthy. Pupils get the chance to learn through practical cooking lessons, group work, research tasks and independent class work. Lessons are planned so that pupils use and develop a range of skills in a fun and interesting way. 

Key Stage 3

Year 8

    • Module 1 – Introduction to Home Economics
    • Module 2 – The Eatwell Guide
    • Module 3 – Healthy Snacks
    • Module 4 – Home and Family

Year 9

    • Module 1 – Eat Less Fat
    • Module 2 – Eat Less Sugar
    • Module 3 – Eat More Fibre
    • Module 4 – Eat Less Salt
    • Module 5 – Always Eat Breakfast

Year 10

    • Module 1 – Meal Planning
    • Module 2 – Methods of Cooking Food
    • Module 3 – Energy

GCSE HE: Fodd & Nutrition (CCEA)

The CCEA GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition specification encourages students to develop knowledge and understanding of the science behind food. It includes topics such as food provenance, food processing and production, macronutrients and micronutrients, government nutritional guidelines, and food safety. Students develop practical skills in food preparation, cooking and presentation. Students will learn about the nutritional content of foods and how to meet the specific nutritional and dietary needs of different groups of people. To do this, they modify recipes and plan, prepare and cook meals and dishes that reflect current government nutritional guidelines. They also study how to be an effective consumer in food choices, food safety and managing resources.

This specification is a linear qualification: students take all the assessment at the end of the course.

The specification has two units:

    • Unit 1: Food and Nutrition (2 hour exam) – 50% of the overall grade
    • Unit 2: Practical Food and Nutrition (controlled assessment task) – 50% of the overall grade

Examination Board information

For more information from the Examination board, click here:

Home Economics

GCSE Specification

Extra Curicular

The HE department offers a cooking club for Key Stage 3 pupils in Term 3. Pupils are given the opportunity to cook in a relaxed and fun environment. They can improve their skills and make something delicious to take home. 

Career Pathways

Career Pathways

Hospitality – Chef, caterer, baker, butcher, food service etc.

Education – Teacher, lecturer, technician, health promotion etc.

Home economist

Medical – doctor, dentist, dietician etc.

Food science – food scientist, microbiology

Food manufacturing

And many more …


23 Ashgrove Road
BT34 1QN


(028) 3026 2383



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