Health and social care is a wide and varied subject that offers pupils the opportunity to explore many areas of health and social care while developing a variety of skills which will be useful no matter what career path they choose in the future. These include; independent working, communication skills, working with others, managing information and organisation. Pupils have opportunities to do practical activities and have social interaction in a variety of health care settings, organise and participate in health promotion activities, and research and discuss a variety of topics.There are many opportunities for pupils to select topics based on their areas of interest.
There are 4 externally (EA) exam assessed units and 8 internally coursework assessed (IA) units (See table). The 4 externally assessed units count for 50% of the overall grade and the 8 internally assessed units count for 50%.
AS Level
Single Award: 3 Units
Double Award: 6 Units
A2 Level
Single Award: 3 Units
Double Award: 6 Units
For more information from the Examination board, click here:
Pupils are encouraged to engage themselves in as many activities relating to health and social care that will enhance their learning. Many pupils seek part-time work in this sector to gain experience and to get an idea of what they would like to do after A-levels. There is an opportunity for pupils to gain work experience within school in the ASC where they learn how to communicate with and support autistic pupils. This is excellent for their CV and UCAS application.