With Newry High School pupils entering Year 13 can study the following options or a combination of these options:-
Option 1 | 4 AS | 16 GCSE points |
Option 2 | 3 AS | 12 GCSE points |
Option 3 | 1 x 12 Unit A Level(Health & Social Care) | 6 GCSE Points |
Option 4 | 2 AS | 6 GCSE Points |
GCSE points are awarded as follows:
A*= 5 A = 4 B = 3 C* = 3 C = 1
Pupils must have at least a Garde C, but preferably an A*, A or B in the subjects to be studied at AS Level. It is desireable that GCSE grades include English Language and Mathematics -one at Gard C or above and the other at Grade D or above.
Acceptable Attendance, behavioural and punctuality record.
Any Student who choses to study two AS subjects only will be required to do additional work experience or voluntary work as deemed appropriate.
Remember in making your decisions you must seek the advice of subject and careers teachers.