23 Ashgrove Road,
BT34 1QN
028 3026 2383
Newry High School is a secondary school in Newry, County Down, Northern Ireland. We are a Controlled, co-educational school for pupils aged 11-18. Our Principal is Mr. Iestyn Brown. The orgins of the the present day school can be traced back to the end of the 19th Century. Lets go back in time to have a look at what made the school what it is today.
In 1896, a group of local businessmen and clergy established the Newry Intermediate school, located on Hill Street. In 1948, the school changed its name to Newry Grammar School. By 1953, with over 350 pupils, the school was hampered by a lack of adequate space,facilities and playing fields. Premises in Downshore Road and Windsor Bank were being used for classes and the staff room used as a classroom.
On the 1st September 1960 Newry County Intermediate School at Ashgrove was opened with 394 pupils on the register. Also known as Ashgrove Secondary Intermediate or the ‘Inter’, the school was purpose built to provide a new concept in education; education according to age, aptitude and ability, with a focus on training pupils in practical skills.
In 1966, Ashgrove Secondary and Newry Grammar School amalgamated to form Newry High School, with 860 pupils and 48 members of staff. Some pupils travelled between the school at Downshore Road and Ashgrove Road for lessons until new buildings were added in 1973 to accommodate the larger school at Ashgrove Road.
23 Ashgrove Road,
BT34 1QN
028 3026 2383