What does the Board of Governors do?

The Board of Governors is responsible for monitoring that the school provides a good quality education and is continually raising education standards. They also encourage and support effective ways of teaching and learning when reviewing the school aims and policies. This is done together with the Principal, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

In addition the main role of helping raise pupils standards of achievement they also:

    • support the school in its stragetic direction 
    • are accountable for montoring the performance of the school to parents and the wider community
    • monitor that a balanced and broad curriculum is taught
    • review how the school can encoruage pupils spiritual, moral and cutural development
    • monitor that the school is inclusive and provides for all pupils including those with special needs
    • oversee the implementation of policies on a wide range of school issues and monitor their effectivness
    • Support and constructively challenging senior management by gathering views, asking questions, looking at comparable data and discussing whats’s best for the school.

The Current Board of Governors

Mr C Whiteside

Mr F Bell

Rev Scott McDonald

Mr S Cooper

Mrs J Clements

Mrs P Murphy

Mrs C Macleod

Mrs A McCullough

Mrs S Young

Mrs C Dunn

Mr I Brown

Board of Governors Report

Please see the latest Board of Governors Report below:

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